Build quality is very good; both roundness and trueness out of the box are towards…

The spec, though marketed as “entry level” is far beyond the £950 price tag. The ride quality is smooth, handling is sharp, and acceleration is rapid.
“They also roll incredibly fast. Thanks in part, to super smooth rolling bearings combined with the DTswiss hubs. Ride quality, however, is not compromised for speed. The super wide rim profile and wide tyres make for a lovely, cushioned ride. Even riding through the pothole smeared country lanes of East Sussex they absorbed the worst of the bumps, with little of the shocks and vibrations travelling up to the handlebars.
As mentioned, one of the advantages of these 38mm rims is weight (1438g) meaning these wheels are no slouch on the climbs. Whilst climbing, they feel stiff and respond well to surges of power. Especially when standing up dancing on the pedals”